What are the tonsils?

The tonsils are located in the back of the throat. They are part of a group of lymphoid tissue that collect bacteria and viruses that cause upper respiratory tract (nose and throat) infections. They also help to produce proteins (immunoglobulins) that help the body fight infections. Although the tonsils have a role in helping treat infection, the tonsils can become part of the infection as well. When this happens, removal of the tonsils will improve your child’s health. Removal of the tonsils has not led to an increase in infections or a loss of immune (disease fighting) function. This is because there are hundreds of other lymph nodes in the head and neck that perform the same function.

Where are the tonsils?

Tonsils are small glands on either side of the back part of the throat.

What is tonsil hypertrophy

Tonsillar hypertrophy or enlarged tonsils can by caused by ongoing (chronic) conditions or be a temporary result from an infection. If the tonsils are large, a person may have snoring, chronic mouth breathing, obstructive sleep apnea, and/or difficulty swallowing. Chronic mouth breathing from large tonsils, adenoids, or both can lead to higher arched palates and poor dentoskeletal formation.